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Need to count the number of operations within a rolling 30-day period between dates in SQL

I have a table Mytable, where id - id of member and dp_id - id of departament:

    date                     id      dp_id
  2020-11-14 01:22:10.260  300000  002    
  2020-11-14 01:41:13.260  352575  001
  2020-11-14 16:39:31.910  352575  001
  2020-11-14 23:39:52.510  352575  001
  2020-11-14 00:00:00.260  300000  002
  2020-11-15 00:01:20.710  352575  001
  2020-11-15 01:00:43.600  352575  001
  2020-11-15 13:41:19.410  352575  002

If the number of operations in next 30 days from the first transaction for pair id - dp_id (352575 - 001) is more than 5, it should be marked as over_lim.

For example, if the first operation for id-dp_id was at 01: 41: 13.260, therefore, over the next 30 days, i need to count how many operations were there and mark each transaction if there were more than 5.

i.e. 2020-11-15 01: 00: 43.600 352575 001 operation will be the 5th operation from the the first entry by id-dp_id pair, therefore we mark it as over_lim. And so on for each period - we need to take the first transaction of the period and see how much it was in the next 30 days.

Expected output, where tr_count - count of each transaction per pair id-dp_id, over_lim- our mark, that it's a overlimit transaction(>=5):

  date                     id      dp_id tr_count over_lim
2020-11-14 01:22:10.260  300000  002   1        False
2020-11-14 01:41:13.260  352575  001   1        False
2020-11-14 16:39:31.910  352575  001   2        False
2020-11-14 23:39:52.510  352575  001   3        False
2020-11-14 00:00:00.260  300000  002   2        False
2020-11-15 00:01:20.710  352575  001   4        False
2020-11-15 01:00:43.600  352575  001   5        True
2020-11-15 13:41:19.410  352575  002   1        False


  • A similar approach gives me the result you want ( I change field date by date_oper )

    SQL> with t as
      2   (
      3     select to_date('2020-11-14 01:22:10','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') date_oper, 300000 id, '002' dp_id from dual union all
      4     select to_date('2020-11-14 01:41:13','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') date_oper, 352575 id, '001' dp_id from dual union all
      5     select to_date('2020-11-14 16:39:31','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') date_oper, 352575 id, '001' dp_id from dual union all
      6     select to_date('2020-11-14 23:39:52','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') date_oper, 352575 id, '001' dp_id from dual union all
      7     select to_date('2020-11-14 00:00:00','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') date_oper, 300000 id, '002' dp_id from dual union all
      8     select to_date('2020-11-15 00:01:20','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') date_oper, 352575 id, '001' dp_id from dual union all
      9     select to_date('2020-11-15 01:00:43','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') date_oper, 352575 id, '001' dp_id from dual union all
     10     select to_date('2020-11-15 13:41:19','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') date_oper, 352575 id, '002' dp_id from dual
     11   )
     12   select t.*,
     13   count(*) over (partition by id, dp_id order by date_oper range between interval '30' day preceding and current row) as tr_count,
     14   (case when count(*) over (partition by id, dp_id order by date_oper range between interval '30' day preceding and current row) >= 5
     15    then 'true' else 'false'
     16    end) as over_lim
     17*  from t order by date_oper
    SQL> /
    DATE_OPER                   ID DP_   TR_COUNT OVER_
    ------------------- ---------- --- ---------- -----
    2020-11-14 00:00:00     300000 002          1 false
    2020-11-14 01:22:10     300000 002          2 false
    2020-11-14 01:41:13     352575 001          1 false
    2020-11-14 16:39:31     352575 001          2 false
    2020-11-14 23:39:52     352575 001          3 false
    2020-11-15 00:01:20     352575 001          4 false
    2020-11-15 01:00:43     352575 001          5 true
    2020-11-15 13:41:19     352575 002          1 false
    8 rows selected.

    You can check here
