I am trying to let the range color change from green to red when people move the slider from 100 to 0. I use JS Round slider (https://roundsliderui.com/document.html).
MRE is here: https://codepen.io/chapkovski/pen/gORmrbR But it looks like that:
sliderType: "min-range",
value: 80,
// svgMode: true,
valueChange: "changeColor",
function componentToHex(c) {
var hex = c.toString(16);
return hex.length == 1 ? "0" + hex : hex;
function rgbToHex(r, g, b) {
return "#" + componentToHex(r) + componentToHex(g) + componentToHex(b);
var sliderObj = $("#slider1").data("roundSlider");
function changeColor(e) {
const val = e.value * 2.55;
sliderObj.rangeColor = rgbToHex(255 - val, val, 0);
What am I doing wrong?
In your demo there are few problems, so you may have to correct the below things:
$("#slider1").roundSlider("option", "rangeColor", rgbToHex(255 - val, val, 0));
$("#slider1").roundSlider({"rangeColor": rgbToHex(255 - val, val, 0) });
sliderObj.option("rangeColor", rgbToHex(255 - val, val, 0));
e.value * 2.55
, but this will return the floating value. But hex color code won't accept the float value. So make this value round.Math.round(e.value * 2.55)
svgMode: true
, it should be enabled.And one more suggestion, you can upgrade to the v1.6.1 for better improvement.