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How to display difference in minute between 2 times in Excel 2016

Is their any way to to calculate difference in Hours , minutes , seconds using excel function

  • start time : '23-DEC-19 AM'
  • end time : '23-DEC-19 AM'

I have tried this , but it does not show any result :

=INT(B2-A2) & " days, " & HOUR(B2-A2) & " hours, " & MINUTE(B2-A2) & " minutes and " & SECOND(B2-A2) & " seconds"

Expected like this output :


It displays some like error : #VALUE


  • That is because 23-DEC-19 AM is not a format that Excel can parse automatically from text to an actual time.

    You will need to change the text to a format it can parse. To do this you need to change the first two . to : You can use SUBSTITUTE to do that:


    This will turn the string into:

    23-DEC-19 09:00:17.393922000 AM

    Which can be parsed.

    So your formula will be:

    =INT(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(B2,".",":",2),".",":",1)-SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A2,".",":",2),".",":",1)) & " days, "
    & HOUR(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(B2,".",":",2),".",":",1)-SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A2,".",":",2),".",":",1)) & " hours, "
    & MINUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(B2,".",":",2),".",":",1)-SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A2,".",":",2),".",":",1)) & " minutes and "
    & SECOND(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(B2,".",":",2),".",":",1)-SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A2,".",":",2),".",":",1)) & " seconds"

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