I am trying to use Testing-library user-event paste to test an onPaste
event handler for a react component.
The event handler:
pasteHandler = (event: any) => {
const text = event.clipboardData.getData("text");
If I try const clipboardData = new DataTransfer();
or a global mock as mentioned here
I get: Error: Uncaught [ReferenceError: DataTransfer is not defined].
No matter how I try to define either a mock jest object or create my own definition, I get errors for either missing dataTransfer object or missing fields.
Is there a something I am missing for how to mock out a DataTransfer object where I just need to get clipboard data?
I missed the documentation for createEvent and after using that along with
const PhoneNumberElement = screen.queryByTestId('paste-input');
const paste = createEvent.paste(PhoneNumberElement, {
clipboardData: {
getData: () => '123456',
fireEvent(PhoneNumberElement, paste);
as mentioned in the article I was able to paste and trigger the onPaste handler.