I have a problem. I want to store an index that is in elasticsearch. I created a new repository for this and this repository does not have any snapshots. But when I ran the code blog below, it returned me the error message "Invalid snapshot name snapshot with the same name already in-progress ". How can I fix this problem?
I created a new repository with the following code block:
PUT /_snapshot/backup_repository
"type": "fs",
"settings": {
"compress" : "true",
"location": "C:/backups/backup_my_index"
just to be sure i used the code block below and the query returned me this result:
GET /_snapshot/backup_repository/_status
"snapshots" : [ ]
I wanted to make a backup with the following code block:
PUT /_snapshot/backup_repository/my_snapshot?wait_for_completion=true
"indices": "my_index",
"ignore_unavailable": true,
"include_global_state": false,
"metadata": {
"taken_by": "busra duygu",
"taken_because": "backup for my_index"
Error :
"error" : {
"root_cause" : [
"type" : "invalid_snapshot_name_exception",
"reason" : "[backup_repository:my_snapshot] Invalid snapshot name [my_snapshot], snapshot with the same name is already in-progress"
"type" : "invalid_snapshot_name_exception",
"reason" : "[backup_repository:my_snapshot] Invalid snapshot name [my_snapshot], snapshot with the same name is already in-progress"
"status" : 400
I would be very happy if you could help me.
To see if there is a snapshot that already exist with this name
GET /_snapshot/backup_repository/_all
You will also get the state of it (SUCCESS/FAILED,...)