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Managing promises in RXJS observables

I've poked about SO and found many similar questions/answers but I may be missing something in my basic understanding on how to work with with this stack.

I'm working on a react native project along with RXJS/obervables. At some point I doing file downloads, this part is not a problem. A combo of pre-existing axios-rxjs and react-native-file-system get me where I want. The issue is I'm not sure how to handle it cleanly without async/await which I understand is an anti-pattern.

I want to transform this working code into a clean obervable-style flow.

I've implemented an Epic that does the operations I want as such:

const myDownloadEpic = (
) =>
    ofType(myDownloadActionType), // catches the relevant action
    map(action => action.payload),
    mergeMap(payload =>
      downloadManager       // a class with the relevant utils to get files
        .download(payload), // this axios call returns my Blob file as Observable<Blob> 
          mergeMap(async response => {

            // a promise is returned by RNFS to read the contents of a folder
            const files = await RNFS.readDir(RELEVANT_TARGET_PATH) 
            // a promise returned from a custom function that converts my blob to bas64
            const data = await convertToBase64(response) 

            // another promise returned by RNFS to write to the file system
            await RNFS.writeFile(FULL_PATH, data, 'base64');


I've tried splitting this into several pipes, for example, I tried splitting the READ operation into a previous pipe but it ends up looking very verbose. Is there not a clean simple way to "hold" until the promises are done so I can make decisions based on their result?

What would be considered cleaner in this situation?


  • You can try something like this. It should be roughly equivalent to what you've written above.

    const myDownloadEpic = (
    ) => action$.pipe(
      map(action => action.payload),
      mergeMap(payload =>,
      mergeMap(response => from(RNFS.readDir(RELEVANT_TARGET_PATH)).pipe(
        map(files => ({response, files}))
      mergeMap(values => from(convertToBase64(values.response)).pipe(
        map(data => ({...values, data}))
      mergeMap(({response, files, data}) => RNFS.writeFile(FULL_PATH, data, 'base64'))