In excel, I have the following:
I am trying to find the quickest and most user-friendly way to compare columns 2 and 1.
If a name in column 2 (in the format shown below) matches ANY of the cells in Column 1, the cell in Column 1 goes GREEN, indicating that user is PRESENT in Column 2.
I have played around with conditional formatting but would appreciate any direct and efficient solutions.
I was trying to adapt a version of this, but it failed to work:
=SUMPRODUCT(--(MID($A4&" "&$A4,FIND(",",$A4)+2,FIND(",",$A4&" "&$A4,FIND(",",$A4)+2)-FIND(",",$A4)-2)=$B$4:$B$33))
where the above formula was added on highlighting the first column and then ensuring the A4 referred to the first item in Column 1 and the B was the first and last item in column 2. As mentioned, this didn't work.
Tried this as well but didn't work.
This answer written assuming column1 = column A, and column2 = column B
Edit those formulas as necessary so that:
is the address of column 2, the range you're looking in for each nameA1
is the address of the first (top-left) cell that the conditional format applies to.