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How to install and use mirthSync on MacOS?


I'm following the installation directions in the mirthSync readme, which is to clone the repo. The next indication of usage that I can see is in the Examples section, which via CLI is to "pull Mirth Connect code from a Mirth Connect instance":

java -jar mirthsync.jar -s https://localhost:8443/api -u admin -p admin pull -t /home/user/

I'm assuming that after cloning the repo, one should cd into that directory and then run the java -jar... command with all the appropriate flag values (server, username, password, etc).


After running the CLI command, I get this error:

Error: Unable to access jarfile mirthsync.jar


Where is this mirthsync.jar file supposed to come from? Is there something I need to do in order to generate the mirthsync.jar file?


  • Generate it via lein uberjar (which creates target/uberjar/*-standalone.jar) or download it from a release.