I have generic query method which looks like below
List<T> Query<T>(QueryModel query) where T : BaseClass
// get data and Deserialize by T
// where T is Table DTO, to Deserialize response by T
Now I want to implement multiple query execution parallelly
for that I need to have multiple type parameters in response and input and want to achieve something like this:
List<T1, T2, T3> Query<T1, T2, T3>(List<QueryModel> queries)
where T1: BaseClass,
where T2: BaseClass,
where T3: BaseClass
// for each query in queries
// get data for each query and
// deserialize each by T1/T2/T3 accordingly
// return all responses in single generic collection
here in above example 3 queries can be there, each can be deserialized by provided typed parameters accordingly.
but I believe we can't have more than one typed parameters with collections like List, Not sure how this can be achieved.
PS : I can go for limited set of Tables for now to query, e.g query with 3-4 typed parameters, so can add overload with fix number of typed parameters, It would be great if there is some solution for n number of typed parameters.
You could perhaps write it like
(T1 r1, T2 r2, T3 r3) Query<T1, T2, T3>(QueryModel q1,QueryModel q2,QueryModel q3 )
This would not allow an arbitrary number of queries, but you cannot have a variable number of generic arguments anyway, so I don't see any way to do that while keeping the generic types.