According to the doc of you should be able to set a current page for the pagination component.
My page/component works except if I enter the page with a fresh page-load I would want the component to take over the param "page" that translates into the reactive variable "currentPage" and use that to set the current page as a highlight in the component.
However the component keeps showing page 1 even though the attribute is being set to, say, 3. The currentPage is perfectly reactive and is shown when parsed in moustache above it.
Inconsistancy in docs?
I tried different things but their own documentation is not consistent either or am I dumb.
In the "more elements" example it shows v-model:currentPage="currentPage1"
but in the "Attributes" section it says: :current-page
and :default-current-page
. Both don't work either.
My code [template]:
{{ currentPage }} <!-- this actually shows the page I am currently on from param -->
layout="prev, pager, next"
</el-pagination> <!-- evil component only highlights (default) 1 -->
The relevant part in setup()
const currentPage = ref();
watch(props, () => {
currentPage.value = || 1;
// pagination
const paginate = (e) => {
router.push({ params: { page: e } });
const initOutputVal = () => {
let startSlice = (currentPage.value - 1) * props.limit;
output.value = props.limit ?, startSlice + props.limit) :;
Does anyone know if I'm doing something wrong? Doesn't element-plus test their stuff or am I being ignorant here? What would be the best solution?
The problem is solved. A colleague pointed out the value is not really an integer.
Use parseInt()
if you are getting a value from the url like I do. In my case:
currentPage.value = parseInt( || 1;