I need some help with the Livewire Click function and loading a component into a foreach loop.
When I click the play button, the component is displayed in all items in the loop. But I would like that it is only displayed in this one item where the button was clicked.
I hope someone can help me with this problem.
Many thanks in advance.
@foreach ($searchResults as $item)
<div class="w-full mx-auto border rounded-md border-gray-300 shadow">
<div class="px-4">
<div class="mb-4 flex-1 space-y-4 py-1">
<h2 class="text-xl font-semibold overflow-ellipsis overflow-hidden">{{ $item['title'] }}
<div class="space-y-2">
<div class="flex flex-wrap py-4">
<!-- Livewire Audio Player Component here -->
<div class="w-full">
<livewire:audio-player :wire:key="$item['id']">
<div wire:click="openPlayer('{{ $item['id'] }}')"
class="cursor-pointer border rounded font-semibold bg-blue-300 border-blue-600 px-4 py-2 mr-2 text-blue-600">
class SearchVideo extends Component
public function loadSearchResults()
public function openPlayer($vid)
$this->emit('showPlayer', $vid)->to('audio-player');
public function closePlayer()
public function render()
return view('livewire.search-video');
player here {{ $videoId }}
class AudioPlayer extends Component
public $showPlayer;
public $videoId;
protected $listeners = ['showPlayer' => 'openPlayer', 'closePlayer' => 'closePlayer'];
public function openPlayer($vid)
$this->showPlayer = true;
$this->videoId = $vid;
public function closePlayer()
public function hydrate()
public function render()
return view('livewire.audio-player');
You need to be able to determine within which card the AudioPlayer is placed in.
Start by accepting a parameter in your AudioPlayer component, which is the ID of the video - which will be passed from your search.
In your AudioPlayer component, add a mount()
method, where you can take in an optional parameter $showVideoId
. This means we also have to declare it as a public property.
public $showVideoId;
public function mount($showVideoId = null)
$this->showVideoId = $showVideoId;
Next, we need to pass it in from your Search component,
<livewire:audio-player :showVideoId="$item['id']" :wire:key="$item['id']" />
Then, update your openPlayer()
method to check if the player we are trying to open, is the same as that $showVideoId
(or null
if you don't pass in that optional parameter, for when using this component once on a page, instead of multiple times).
Here we check if $showVideoId
is null, or if its not null, it must match the $videoId
public function openPlayer($vid)
$this->videoId = $vid;
if ($this->showVideoId === null || $this->showVideoId === $this->videoId) {
$this->showPlayer = true;
Another thing I noticed, your first element in the loop, should have a wire:key
on it.
<div class="w-full mx-auto border rounded-md border-gray-300 shadow" wire:key="search-{{ $loop->index }}">
And if your seach-video.blade.php
view starts with the @foreach
, then you should wrap the entire component in a <div>