Search code examples

Manipulate result set in outer query that passed from inner query

Below query

     WHEN results like '%duplicate%' THEN ' xxx' || results
     ELSE results
END AS results
      ORDER BY RESULTS).getclobval () AS RESULTS
             ' ' || result || ' - ' || result_final AS RESULTS
           FROM myTable  WHERE ID = '123456'

In the inner query, if I apply where condition:

result not like '%duplicate%'

The concatenation with ' xxx' will not happen as there has no such data in "results" that passed to outer query. Without where conclusion, the concatenation happens however "results" with "Duplicate%" also displayed.

Is there any solution for the outer query to manipulate the "results" by not displaying any "Duplicate%" with the concatenation with ' xxx'?

Below is my test data

SQL> DESC mytable
 Name                                      Null?    Type
 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------
 RESULT                                             VARCHAR2(1024)
 RESULT_FINAL                                       VARCHAR2(1024)
 ID                                                 CHAR(6)

SQL> SELECT * FROM mytable;

Trx Duplicate    Trx Duplicate    123456
Insufficient Bal Insufficient Bal 123456

Expected result:

 xxx Insufficient Bal-Insufficient Bal|

Current result (with where condition)

Insufficient Bal-Insufficient Bal|

Current result (without where condition)

xxx Trx Duplicate-Trx Duplicate|Insufficient Bal-Insufficient Bal|


  • I hope this works for you. I know it is not the coolest way, but it does the job.

    SQL> desc mytable
     Name                                      Null?    Type
     ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------
     RESULT                                             VARCHAR2(1024)
     RESULT_FINAL                                       VARCHAR2(1024)
     ID                                                 CHAR(6)
    SQL> col result for a40
    SQL> col result_final for a40
    SQL> set lines 140
    SQL> select * from mytable
    RESULT                                   RESULT_FINAL                             ID
    ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ------
    Trx Duplicate                            Trx Duplicate                            123456
    Insufficient Bal                         Insufficient Bal                         123456

    Now, to get your desired output

    SQL> with x as
      3        ORDER BY RESULTS).getclobval () AS RESULTS
      4        FROM (SELECT DISTINCT ' ' || result || ' - ' || result_final AS RESULTS FROM myTable )
      5  )
      6  select case when lower(results) like '%duplicate%'
      7         then
      8             case when lower(regexp_substr(results , '[^|]+', 1, 1 )) like '%duplicate%' then 'xxx'||regexp_substr(results , '[^|]+', 1, 2 )
      9                  when lower(regexp_substr(results , '[^|]+', 1, 1 )) not like '%duplicate%' then 'xxx'||regexp_substr(results , '[^|]+', 1, 1 )
     10                  when lower(regexp_substr(results , '[^|]+', 1, 1 )) like '%duplicate%' and lower(regexp_substr(results , '[^|]+', 1, 2 )) like '%duplicate%' then null
     11            end
     12        else results
     13        end
     14        as results
     15* from x
    SQL> /
    xxx Insufficient Bal - Insufficient Bal

    If you want the | at the end of the result, you only need to concatenate it.