I want to label a xy plot using non-contiguous rows into one chart from separate serie collections which is one red and another one blue as on the image below.
There is an error the code below:
Sub AddDataLabels3()
Dim curLabel As Integer: curLabel = 1
Dim rwCount As Integer
Dim rngArea As Range
'Enable error handling
On Error Resume Next
'Display an inputbox and ask the user for a cell range
Set Rng1 = Application.InputBox(prompt:="Select cells to link" _
, Title:="Select data label values", Default:=ActiveCell.Address, Type:=8)
Set Rng2 = Application.InputBox(prompt:="Select cells to link" _
, Title:="Select data label values", Default:=ActiveCell.Address, Type:=8)
Set Rng = Union(Rng1, Rng2)
'Disable error handling
On Error GoTo 0
'Rng.Count = 1
With ActiveChart
If Rng.Areas.Count > 1 Then
'Debug.Print "It's a non-contiguous range"
For Each rngArea In Rng.Areas
rwCount = rwCount + rngArea.Rows.Count
End If
'Iterate through each series in chart
For Each ChSer In .SeriesCollection
'Save chart point to object SerPo
Set SerPo = ChSer.Points
'Save the number of points in chart to variable j
j = SerPo.Count
'Iterate though each point in current series
For i = 1 To j
'Enable data label for current chart point
SerPo(i).ApplyDataLabels Type:=xlShowValue
'Save cell reference to chart point
SerPo(i).DataLabel.FormulaLocal = Rng.Areas(rwCount).Cells(curLabel).FormulaLocal
'& rng.Cells(i).Reference(ReferenceStyle:=xlR1C1)
' Next label
curLabel = curLabel + 1
'Rng.Count = Rng.Count + 1
End With
End Sub
The error is on the line:
SerPo(i).DataLabel.FormulaLocal = Rng.Areas(rwCount).Cells(curLabel).FormulaLocal
How to solve this problem, could you please help me?
Your getting the two datalabels ranges with rng1 and rng2. I used rng to be rng1 or rng2 depending on PlotOrder property, which is the order the series are shown in the "Select Data Source".
NOTE: It's always a good practice to use the Option Explict
Option Explicit
Sub AddDataLabels3()
Dim rng As Range, rng1 As Range, rng2 As Range
Dim ChSer As Series
Dim SerPo As Object
Dim i As Byte, j As Byte
'Enable error handling
On Error Resume Next
'Display an inputbox and ask the user for a cell range
Set rng1 = Application.InputBox(prompt:="Select cells to link" _
, Title:="Select data label values", Default:=ActiveCell.Address, Type:=8) ' Series1 -> PlotOrder = 1
Set rng2 = Application.InputBox(prompt:="Select cells to link" _
, Title:="Select data label values", Default:=ActiveCell.Address, Type:=8) ' Series2 -> PlotOrder = 2
'Disable error handling
On Error GoTo 0
With ActiveChart
'Iterate through each series in chart
For Each ChSer In .SeriesCollection
If ChSer.PlotOrder = 1 Then
Set rng = rng1
Set rng = rng2
End If
'Save chart point to object SerPo
Set SerPo = ChSer.Points
'Save the number of points in chart to variable j
j = SerPo.Count
'Iterate though each point in current series
For i = 1 To j
'Enable data label for current chart point
SerPo(i).ApplyDataLabels Type:=xlShowValue
'Save cell reference to chart point
SerPo(i).DataLabel.FormulaLocal = rng.Cells(i).FormulaLocal
End With
End Sub