In the past I've installed them using:
helm repo add ingress-nginx
helm repo update
helm install ingress-nginx-01 ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx
and could have multiple.
Now I'm getting this error when I try to install another:
Error: rendered manifests contain a resource that already exists. Unable to continue with
install: IngressClass "nginx" in namespace "" exists and cannot be imported into the
current release: invalid ownership metadata; annotation validation error: key
"" must equal "ingress-nginx-02": current value is
"ingress-nginx-01"; annotation validation error: key
"" must equal "ingress-02": current value is "ingress-01"
You have to set the Class Name while installing the new Nginx ingress controller again.
For example :
helm install stable/nginx-ingress --set controller.ingressClass=gce --namespace kube-system --set controller.replicaCount=2 --set rbac.create=false
helm install stable/nginx-ingress --set controller.ingressClass=nginx --namespace kube-system --set controller.replicaCount=2 --set rbac.create=false
helm install stable/nginx-ingress --set controller.ingressClass=third --namespace kube-system --set controller.replicaCount=2 --set rbac.create=false
based on your helm version you can pass the name of Helm as you did ingress-nginx-01
, ingress-nginx-02
but main thing is class name: --set controller.ingressClass=gce
as error says
install: IngressClass "nginx" in namespace "" exists**strong text**
Multiple Ingress controllers
If you're running multiple ingress controllers or running on a cloud provider that natively handles ingress such as GKE, you need to specify the annotation "nginx"
in all ingresses that you would like the ingress-nginx
controller to claim.
For instance,
name: foo
annotations: "gce"
will target the GCE controller, forcing the Nginx controller to ignore it, while an annotation like
name: foo
annotations: "nginx"
will target the nginx controller, forcing the GCE controller to ignore it.
Example :
Ref :