On firebase, I have a collection called 'grogs' and inside it I have data elements that sit in the root of a document and data that sit in a folder structure under the root (same document collection, not sub-collections). For example:
Grogs (collection)
characterID: string
covenantID: string
playerName: string
Info (folder)
charName: string
charAge: number
bornYear: number
currentYear: number
Previously I was using a parent form in Angular, but it ended up that I had to create a HUGE structure in the parent which was a pain to make changes to. What I would like to do is to submit data from my component that deals only with the data in the Info 'folder'.
I can populate the form on load, but if I submit, it pushes the data into the root of the document and not under Info. Where do I add to push the data from my Angular form under Info instead of the root without having to use parentformgroup?
buildForm() {
this.infoForm = this.formbuilder.group({
charName: [''],
type: [''],
covenant: [''],
gender: [''],
size: [''],
bornYear: [''],
currentYear: [''],
charAge: [''],
height: [''],
weight: [''],
hair: [''],
eyes: [''],
charPic: [''],
charPicDataUrl: ['']
this.infoData = this.characterDataService.GetCharacterInfo().pipe(
tap(infoData => this.infoForm.patchValue(infoData))
updateCharacter() {
const data = Object.assign({}, this.infoForm.value);
this.firestore.doc(this.collection + '/' + this.charid).set(data, {merge: true});
I would appreciate help.
I managed to solve it....was really simple. I just needed to change data to {info: data}:
this.firestore.doc(this.collection + '/' + this.charid).set({info: data}, {merge: true});