In my Navigation I want to insert Links from my CMS. I am using Axios. My Navigation is Vue. How do I get the data from the JSON file into the const?
Just knowing if I need to search for the solution in Axios or in Vue would help alot too.
import axios from "axios";
const exhibitions = [
name: "Exhibition 1",
description: "Info 1",
href: "#",
name: "Exhibition 2",
description: "Info 2",
href: "#",
my export default:
export default {
name: "item",
data() {
return {
info: null,
mounted() {
.then((response) => ( = response));
"title":"Exhibition 1",
"title":"Exhibition 2",
What do you mean by "Get the data from the JSON into the const"??
Just a reminder, a constant cannot be modified.
According to what you commented, I guess that you'd like to store the data fetched from your json file to info
variable. And then, render your links in the navigation bar.
mounted() {
.then((response) => ( = response));
Once the component is mounted you're fetching your JSON data from the file using Axios. When the promise is accepted then you store the response data to
. Once you have your data in that variable you can render everything ⬇️
There's a directive in VueJS for list rendering called v-for. You can use it to render all the links to your navigation bar.
<ul id="navigation-bar">
<li v-for="i in info">
<a href="{{ i.url }}"> {{ i.title }} </a>