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How to build RNN with multimodal input to classify time series

I have data of 50 samples per time series. I want to build a time series classifier.

Each sample has three inputs - a vector with the shape 1X768, a vector with the shape 1X25, a vector with the shape 1X496.

Each input is from different modality so need to go through some input-specific layers before concatenate all of them.

The data is store in the dataframe:

df = time_series_id timestamp    input1     input2     input3     time_series_label 
           0         0          [x0..x768] [x0..x25] [x0..x496]     A  
           0         1          [x0..x768] [x0..x25] [x0..x496]     A
           0         50         [x0..x768] [x0..x25] [x0..x496]     A  
           1         0          [x0..x768] [x0..x25] [x0..x496]     B
           1         50         [x0..x768] [x0..x25] [x0..x496]     B

I am new with DL and I want to build a network that classify each 50 timestamps-long time series to one of 2 classes, but I couldn't find any tutorial that exemplify how to insert multimodal data into Conv1d or LSTM layers.

How can I built such network, preferebly with keras, and train in on my dataframe in order to classify time series? (So, when I give it a new time series of 50 timestamps I will get A/B prediction for the entire time series)?

Please notice, the label is the same for all rows with the same id. So every time, I need to feed the RNN only with samples with the same id.


  • I have created nice example for you:

    # Define mini-dataset  similar to yours example
    df = pd.DataFrame({'A':[np.zeros((768))]*100,'B':[np.ones((25))]*100})
    # 100 rows, 2 columns (each value in column A is a list size 768, each value in column B is a list size 25)

    Preprocess the data to match rolling windows of 50 timestamps

    # Create windows of data:
    df.index.to_series().rolling(50).apply((lambda x: list_of_indexes.append(x.tolist()) or 0), raw=False)
    d_A = df.A.apply(list)
    d_B = df.B.apply(list)
    a = [[d_A[ix] for ix in x] for x in list_of_indexes]
    b = [[d_B[ix] for ix in x] for x in list_of_indexes]
    a = np.array(a)
    b = np.array(b)
    print(f'a shape: {a.shape}')
    print(f'b shape: {b.shape}')

    Data after preprocess:

    a shape: (51, 50, 768)
    b shape: (51, 50, 25)


    a: 51 sample when each sample contains 50 timestamps and each timestamp contains 768 values. (b is the same with 25 values.)

    Create a model with two inputs, input a and input b, you can process each of them separately and then concatenate.

    # define two sets of inputs
    input_A = Input(shape=(50, 768))
    input_B = Input(shape=(50, 25))
    LSTM_A = Bidirectional(LSTM(32))(input_A)
    LSTM_B = Bidirectional(LSTM(32))(input_B)
    combined = concatenate([
    dense1 = Dense(32, activation='relu')(combined)
    output = Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')(dense1)
    model = Model(inputs=[
                         ], outputs=output)

    Model Summary:

    enter image description here

    Fit the model:

    adam = Adam(lr=0.00001)
    model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer=adam)
    history =[a,b], y, batch_size=2, epochs=2)

    enter image description here

    Of course You can do concatenate before the LSTM:

    # define two sets of inputs
    input_A = Input(shape=(50, 768))
    input_B = Input(shape=(50, 25))
    combined = concatenate([
    LSTM_layer = Bidirectional(LSTM(32))(combined)
    dense1 = Dense(32, activation='relu')(LSTM_layer)
    output = Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')(dense1)
    model = Model(inputs=[
                         ], outputs=output)

    enter image description here


    The df:

    enter image description here Shape: (100, 4)

    Preprocess code:

    def split_into_inputs(group):
        # supposing time_series_id have the same label for all of its rows (thats what i understood from the question details)
    x_data_inp1 = []
    x_data_inp2 = []
    y_data = []
    df.groupby('time_series_id').apply(lambda group: split_into_inputs(group))
    # convert list into array with np.float dtype to match the nn.
    x_data_inp1 = np.array(x_data_inp1, dtype=np.float)
    x_data_inp2 = np.array(x_data_inp2, dtype=np.float)
    # Convert labels from chars into digits
    from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
    # creating instance of labelencoder
    labelencoder = LabelEncoder()
    # Assigning numerical values. Convert 'A','B' into 0, 1
    y_data = labelencoder.fit_transform(y_data)
    x_data_inp1.shape, x_data_inp2.shape, y_data.shape


    ((2, 50, 768), (2, 50, 25), (2,))

    After the preprocessing for our 100 samples, there are 2 sequences of 50 samples each according to the "time_series_id" column, and there are 2 labels, label A as 0 for the first sequence, and label B as 1 for the second sequence. Question: Each sequence of 50 samples has a different "time_series_id"?

    Defining the mode:

    # define two sets of inputs
    input_A = Input(shape=(50, 768))
    input_B = Input(shape=(50, 25))
    LSTM_A = Bidirectional(LSTM(32))(input_A)
    LSTM_B = Bidirectional(LSTM(32))(input_B)
    combined = concatenate([
    dense1 = Dense(32, activation='relu')(combined)
    output = Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')(dense1)
    model = Model(inputs=[
                         ], outputs=output)

    Fitting the model:

    adam = Adam(lr=0.00001)
    model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer=adam)
    history =[x_data_inp1, x_data_inp2], y_data, batch_size=2, epochs=2)