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Office Script Excel Pivot Table Count Instead of Sum

I'm using Office Script to generate a pivot table and that works. However, for my data hierarchy, I need "count" instead of the default "sum". How do I go about doing that?

I'm adding a hierarchy using the following - this works but summarizes by "sum"

pivotTable.addDataHierarchy(pivotTable.getHierarchy("Unit ID"));

From the script reference page, I need to somehow embed the count function into the above snippet. Does anyone know how to do that? I tried "Record Actions", but it wasn't able to catch the switch from "sum" to "count".

Thanks a lot


  • Figured it out - to change the summarize function, we need to chain the aggregate function to the end of addDataHierarchy.

    The second line in the previous example therefore becomes:

    pivotTable.addDataHierarchy(pivotTable.getHierarchy("Unit ID")).setSummarizeBy(ExcelScript.AggregationFunction.count);

    For more details refer to setSummarizeBy(summarizeBy).