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Error running timer: (void-variable message) in Emacs init.el

Why do I get Error running timer: (void-variable message) in the function below in my `init.el - Emacs?

(defun cypher/cowsayx-sclock (in-minutes message)
  (interactive "nSet the time from now - min.: \nsWhat: ")
  (run-at-time (* in-minutes 60)
               (lambda ()
                 (message "%S" message)
                 (shell-command (format "xcowsay %s" (shell-quote-argument


  • You need to turn on lexical-binding, for that message occurrence in the lambda not to be treated as a free variable. It's a lexical variable local to function cypher/cowsayx-sclock, but within the lambda it's free.

    Otherwise, you need to instead substitute the value of variable message in the lambda expression, and use that as a list. Here's a backquoted expression that gives you that list with the message value substituted.

    `(lambda ()
       (message "%S" ',message)
       (shell-command (format "xcowsay %s" (shell-quote-argument ',message)))

    But this is less performant than using lexical-binding, which produces a closure for the lambda, encapsulating the value of message.

    See the Elisp manual, node Using Lexical Binding.

    You can, for example, just put this at the end of a comment line as the first line of your file:

      -*- lexical-binding:t -*-

    For example, if your code is in file foo.el then this could be its first line:

    ;;; foo.el --- Code that does foo things.   -*- lexical-binding:t -*-