I am trying to create a web page that has one image per section. The image should be on either side of the text when viewed on a large screen, as displayed below:
However, I would like for each image to stack on top of each section once viewed on a smaller screen instead of continuing to be displayed side-by-side. Below is how it should look:
…but given the current implementation, this is how it looks right now:
How should I be coding this page so the images are displayed appropriately on both desktop and on mobile? I would like for the code to be able to replicate the first image on big screens, and the second image on smaller screens. However, if this is not a smart front end design and should be approached differently, I am open to different designs, especially if they are more generally accepted.
I am using Bootstrap 5 to achieve this layout. My code below is also using Javascript/React, but that should not be much of a factor.
Below is the code used in the first and third images:
class AboutSection extends Component {
render() {
const startImage = "float-start me-4";
const endImage = "float-end ms-4";
var imageClass = "img-fluid my-4 rounded w-25 " + (IsOdd(this.props.index) ? startImage : endImage);
return (
<section class="p-4">
<div class="container">
<div class="d-sm-flex">
<img class={imageClass} src={Test} alt={this.props.imageAltText} />
<p class="lead my-3">{this.props.body}</p>
{this.props.subsection.map((item) => {
return (
<AboutSubsection subheader={item.subheader} subbody={item.subbody} />
Below is the code I changed to achieve the design of the second image:
class AboutSection extends Component {
render() {
const startImage = "float-start me-4";
const endImage = "float-end ms-4";
var imageClass = "img-fluid my-4 rounded " + (IsOdd(this.props.index) ? startImage : endImage);
return (
<section class="p-4">
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<img class={imageClass} src={Test} alt={this.props.imageAltText} />
<div class="col-12">
<p class="lead my-3">{this.props.body}</p>
{this.props.subsection.map((item) => {
return (
<AboutSubsection subheader={item.subheader} subbody={item.subbody} />
The correct way is not write code for every kind of page, but always use the same one. To do this, you need to use responsive CSS styles, something like:
.img-right { float: right; }
@media only screen and (max-width: 640px) {
.img-right { float: none; width: 100%; }
It seems to me, that your task is NOT use bootstrap to format content. Bootstrap is designed to provide you with the basic design elements that are ready-made (design skeleton), and content is your area of responsibility. I think so...