firstly I want to apologize for my very bad English xD. So, I'm developing an economy plugin just to learn and in this plugin, I'm creating a sign shop. Everything was going fine, but when I was trying my shop, I got stuck with enchanted items, for example, because I can't get the id with only:
ItemStack item = player.getItemInHand();
This only returns me the id of the real item, without enchantment. Someone can tell me if Has a method I can make to set some custom id, in the lore of item, for example, that I can use later to make a sign shop?
Now works fine to save item data, but still giving error. What i'm using now is:
public static void saveItem(Player player){
ItemStack item = player.getItemInHand();
ConfigurationSection configToEdit = config.createSection("eco.sell.aFirstItem");
configToEdit.set("type", item.getType().name());
configToEdit.set("amount", item.getAmount());
ItemMeta meta = item.getItemMeta();
configToEdit.set("", meta.getDisplayName());
List<String> enchants = new ArrayList<>();
meta.getEnchants().forEach((en, lvl) -> enchants.add(en.getName() + ":" + lvl));
configToEdit.set("meta.enchant", enchants);
So, to restore data i'm using:
public static void restoreData(Player player){
ConfigurationSection configToEdit = config.createSection("eco.sell.aFirstItem");
ItemStack item = new ItemStack(Material.valueOf(configToEdit.getString("type")), configToEdit.getInt("amount"));
if(configToEdit.contains("meta")) {
player.sendMessage("Contains( Meta )");
ItemMeta meta = item.getItemMeta();
List<String> enchants = configToEdit.getStringList("meta.enchants");
enchants.forEach(line -> {
String[] split = line.split(":");
item.addEnchantment(Enchantment.getByName(split[0]), Integer.parseInt(split[1]));
You can't have a unique ID like that.
But, there is two ways :
For example, we will save an item and restore it. We will use the default config of spigot.
Save the item
Configuration objConfig = plugin.getConfig().createSection("eco.sell.aFirstItem"); // create new section in plugin config
// now we will add all content from item to config
objConfig.set("type", item.getType().name()); // item type
objConfig.set("amount", item.getAmount()); // amount of item
if(item.hasMetadata()) {
ItemMeta meta = item.getItemMeta();
objConfig.set("", meta.getDisplayName()); // item name
List<String> enchants = new ArrayList<>(); // create hashmap that will be saved
meta.getEnchants().forEach((en, lvl) -> enchants.add( + ":" + lvl));
objConfig.set("meta.enchants", enchants); // all items enchants
Now, we will restore data from config :
Configuration objConfig = plugin.getConfig().getConfigurationSection("eco.sell.aFirstItem"); // retrieve section
ItemStack item = new ItemStack(Material.valueOf(objConfig.getString("type")), objConfig.getInt("amount")); // here we have an item that we can edit
if(objConfig.contains("meta")) {
ItemMeta meta = item.getItemMeta();
List<String> enchants = objConfig.getStringList("meta.enchants"); // get all enchants
enchants.forEach(line -> {
String[] split = line.split(":"); // split enchantName:enchantLevel
item.addEnchant(Enchantement.valueOf(split[0]), Integer.parse(split[1])); // get spigot objects
Warn: few line can don't work because I don't test this exact code, but that's how it should work.
The second can be useful if you always are selling same items. I think in your case the first solution will be better.