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How to pass an array with multiple values in the body of jsPDF?

I am trying jsPDF to display the list of products that have been ordered by the user.

I can create my columns and generate the PDF (download) But I'm having trouble with the body.

I can't send my information in the PDF body.

However, previously to display my different values of my array, I did for example "" but it does not seem to be the right method for my request.

It seems that I have a hard time understanding the array ...

Here is my code :

// Get the product name, quantity, price ...

  const [paniers, setPaniers] = useState([])
  const getPaniersDetailsCommande = () => [
        .then(response => {
        }).catch(err => console.log(err))

// Generation of the PDF 
    const PDFGeneration = () => {
        var doc = new jsPDF('p','px','a4','false');

        doc.text(10,15,'Résumé de votre commande : ');
            theme: 'grid',
            startY: 20,
            head: [['Nom', 'Quantité', 'Prix (€)']],
            body:[// Data of my product],

If I forgot to provide more information please tell me in the comments

Thanks for the help >_< !


  • I faced a similiar issue. In your case, I would recommend, before the const PDFGeneration to use this:

    const [data] = useState(> [, item.nom, item.quantité, item.prix])); //and map all the data you require.

    After that when you call the doc.autoTable in the body simply call the const that was created, like so:

            theme: 'grid',
            startY: 20,
            head: [['Nom', 'Quantité', 'Prix (€)']],