Long short story: I'd like to publish a variant for jdk8 retro-compatibility for one of my kotlin-only libraries.
This is a long-wanted feature which I'm trying to tackle since quite some time but never got it right. However after many attempts and help on Gradle Slack, I think I'm quite close but I still have an error I can't seem to get rid off.
The idea is to have the main version (src/main
and scr/jpms
, with this latter containing simply module-info.class
) compiled with jdk11, while having a jdk8
variant for src/main
only compiled of course with jdk8.
This is my current build.gradle.kts
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.KotlinSourceSet
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.tasks.KotlinCompile
plugins {
kotlin("jvm") version "1.5.10"
group = "kotlin.graphics"
version = "3.3.1"
repositories {
dependencies {
val jdk8 = sourceSets.create("jdk8") {
val jdk11 = sourceSets["main"].apply {
java.registerFeature("jdk8") {
capability("group", "name", "0.1")
configureCompileVersion(jdk8, 8)
configureCompileVersion(jdk11, 11)
val moduleName = "$group.$name"
fun configureCompileVersion(set: SourceSet, jdkVersion: Int) {
val compiler = project.javaToolchains.compilerFor {
val target = if (jdkVersion == 8) "1.8" else jdkVersion.toString()
tasks {
named<KotlinCompile>(set.compileKotlinTaskName) {
kotlinOptions {
jvmTarget = target
jdkHome = compiler.metadata.installationPath.asFile.absolutePath
source = sourceSets.main.get().kotlin
named<JavaCompile>(set.compileJavaTaskName) {
targetCompatibility = target
sourceCompatibility = target
modularity.inferModulePath.set(jdkVersion >= 9)
source = sourceSets.main.get().allJava + set.allJava
if (jdkVersion >= 9)
options.compilerArgs = listOf("--patch-module", "$moduleName=${set.output.asPath}")
val SourceSet.compileKotlinTaskName: String
get() = getCompileTaskName("kotlin")
val SourceSet.kotlin: SourceDirectorySet
get() = withConvention(KotlinSourceSet::class) { kotlin }
publishing {
publications {
create<MavenPublication>("maven") {
groupId = "org.gradle.sample"
artifactId = "library"
version = "1.1"
repositories.maven {
name = "prova"
url = uri("repo")
If I run :assemble
, the produced artifact is compiled properly with jdk11.
And till that everything as expected.
But If I try to publish, I get instead:
Task :compileJdk8Kotlin FAILED 5 actionable tasks: 1 executed, 4 up-to-date e: Module java.base cannot be found in the module graph
For some reasons, it looks like Gradle tries to compile the jdk8
variant using jpms, although it should be disabled automatically. I tried to manually set it on and off:
modularity.inferModulePath.set(jdkVersion >= 9)
but it didn't work neither.
The project is here
Gradle 7.1.1
I think I got it
// these two are simple helpers
val SourceSet.compileKotlinTaskName: String
get() = getCompileTaskName("kotlin")
val SourceSet.kotlin: SourceDirectorySet
get() = project.extensions.getByType<KotlinJvmProjectExtension>().sourceSets.getByName(name).kotlin
// pick the `main` sourceSet and use it for jdk11
val jdk11 = sourceSets.main.get()
// now we clone `main` into `jdk8`, with the only difference being the exclusion
// of `module-info.class`. We need to call `::create` to avoid getting the
// reference to the same sourceSet.
val jdk8 = sourceSets.create("jdk8") {
// this is superfluous, adding not-existing folders is harmless, but it's
// rather confusing when you need to debug two sourceSet java/kotlin
// assign the very same source directories
// exclude the file from both, since kotlin includes always the java sources
// this will create the `jdk8` variant using the given sourceSet at the given
// capabilities
java.registerFeature("jdk8") {
// I experienced `version` to be `null` if it's declared in the
// build.gradle.kts, then I moved it into `settings.gradle.kts to fix this
capability(group.toString(), name, version.toString())
// set everything for each variant, jdk11 is the default/main one
configureCompileVersion(jdk8, 8)
configureCompileVersion(jdk11, 11)
val moduleName = "$group.$name"
fun configureCompileVersion(set: SourceSet, jdkVersion: Int) {
tasks {
val target = if (jdkVersion == 8) "1.8" else jdkVersion.toString()
// we do need the task name because we have compileKotlin and
// jdk8CompileKotlin and we want to set stuff accordingly
named<KotlinCompile>(set.compileKotlinTaskName) {
targetCompatibility = target
sourceCompatibility = target
kotlinOptions {
// jdkHome is deprecated in 1.5.30
jvmTarget = target
// this is outside the variant scope
freeCompilerArgs += listOf("-Xinline-classes", "-Xopt-in=kotlin.RequiresOptIn")
source = sourceSets.main.get().kotlin
named<JavaCompile>(set.compileJavaTaskName) {
targetCompatibility = target
sourceCompatibility = target
// this is supposed to be set automatically, well with a jdk8 variant
// you need to set it up explicitly
modularity.inferModulePath.set(jdkVersion >= 9)
javaCompiler.set(project.javaToolchains.compilerFor {
source = set.allJava
if (jdkVersion >= 9)
options.compilerArgs = listOf("--patch-module", "$moduleName=${set.output.asPath}")
withType<Test> { useJUnitPlatform() }
// We also want to automatically set all the jdk11 dependencies to jdk8 as well
configurations {
named("jdk8Implementation") {