I am typing math formulae in Quill.js (uses KaTeX) and rendering it as an html. However the formula seems to be rendering twice.
When I inspected the HTML, there are two span elements corresponding to each part. The correct one has class "katex-mathml" and another has the class "katex-html" with attribute "aria-hidden" set to true and still is visible on the page. What is going on here?
That's the default behavior of Katex. From https://katex.org/docs/options.html:
output: string. Determines the markup language of the output. The valid choices are:
html: Outputs KaTeX in HTML only.
mathml: Outputs KaTeX in MathML only.
htmlAndMathml: Outputs HTML for visual rendering and includes MathML for accessibility. This is the default.
Are you perhaps just missing to include the katex css?
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/katex@0.13.16/dist/katex.min.css" integrity="sha384-6LkG2wmY8FK9E0vU9OOr8UvLwsaqUg9SETfpq4uTCN1agNe8HRdE9ABlk+fVx6gZ" crossorigin="anonymous">
Otherwise your options are:
katex-html { display: none; }
(or analogously for mathml).