I have the follwing two classes ClassA
and ClassB
To focus on: ClassB
implements a factory of ClassA
I want to test ClassB
. So how can I (or would you) mock a factory of ClassA
, sothat ClassB
can instantiate a mock of ClassA
and access its mocked function .ReturnString()
public class ClassA : IClassA
readonly int _number;
public ClassA(int number)
_number = number;
public string ReturnString()
return _number.ToString();
public class ClassB : IClassB
int _exampleValue;
readonly Func<int, IClassA> _classAFactory;
public ClassB(Func<int, IClassA> classAFactory)
_classAFactory = classAFactory;
public string ExampleFct()
_exampleValue = 5;
IClassA classA = _classAFactory(_exampleValue)
return classA.ReturnString();
public class TestClassB
public void TestClassBReturnsCorrectString()
// Arrange
var mockClassAFact = ???
IClassB classB = new ClassB(mockClassAFact);
// Act
string aString = classB.ExampleFct();
// Assert
Assert.True(aString == "5");
As I am using "Autofac" as a base for IoC there might be a specific solution for this?
Thank you for any help!
mock the dependency (interface) as desired and create a delegate for the "factory" when arranging the test
public void TestClassBReturnsCorrectString() {
// Arrange
string expected = "5"
IClassA mockClassA = Mock.Of<IClassA>(_ => _.ReturnString() == expected);
int value = 5;
Func<int, IClassA> mockClassAFact =
number => number == value ? mockClassA : throw new InvalidArgumentException();
IClassB subject = new ClassB(mockClassAFact);
// Act
string actual = subject.ExampleFct();
// Assert
Assert.True(actual == expected);
Note: The above example uses MOQ to mock the IClassA
dependency and creates a factory delegate to be used to exercised the test.
"Autofac" in this case is an implementation detail that has no actual bearing on this isolated unit test.