I've been trying soo hard much to clean up this csv data for a coworker. I’m going to walk through what the data usually looks like and then walk through the steps I’ve done and then bring up what I’m currently struggling with… Bear with me as this is my first post (and I have no background in vba and everything is self-taught by Google). So the data export is a csv which can be opened in excel broken out by several columns. The column in question is column G, which essentially has multiple data sets (1 – 219) for the same menu item (row).
For example:
Chicken Soup {1;$6.00;59;$9.00;88;$6.00}
Beef Soup {1;$8.00;59;$12.00;88;$8.00}
Duck Soup {1;$6.00;59;$6.00;88;$6.00}
Egg Soup {1;$8.00;59;$9.00;88;$8.00}
Water {1;$0.00}
French Onion Soup {1;$16.00;59;$15.00;88;$12.00}
Chili Soup {1;$17.00;84;$17.00}
So in column G, you can tell, there is multiple prices the format is:
{Column Number ; $ Price ; Column number $ Price etc & }
Regex: .[0-9]{1,2},[$][0-9]{1,3}[.][0-9][0-9].|[0-9]{1,2},[$][0-9]{1,3}[.][0-9][0-9]
The first goal was to parse out the data in the column into the row, in a format that is true to the csv (so it can be combined and resubmitted). For example: (imagine there is a semi colon between each data set, as there should be in the final result)
{1;$12.00 5;$12.00 8;$12.00}
{1;$18.00 6;$18.00 8;$18.00}
{1;$10.00 6;$7.00 9;$12.00 11;$10.00}
{1;$20.00 6;$20.00 8;$20.00}
{1;$5.49 3;$3.99 10;$4.99 12;$4.99}
To accomplish this goal, I wrote a macro that:
However, when I showed my coworker what I’ve done, he wanted the leading number (column number) to correspond to the Columns (since data starts in column G, this will be column 1, H will be 2 etc). Therefore looking something like this so he can filter the column by the all the items that have that column number:
For example, this photo is how the outcome should look
So, now the goal is to create a macro that…
To give you some background, I have more than 25,000 lines of data (menu items) and the longest column (I believe is 219). So far, I’ve mostly been trying pieces of scripts I’ve found online but none of them are doing similar to what I need and I don’t know how to write enough code to just write the script out myself. I believe I’ll need to have to establish a variable: the column name (not sure if I can extract this using the regex code I found out) and then use that in the offset... But my range needs to be dynamic and loop… Please let me know if you can assist – I’ve been stuck on this for like a week!
Thank you all so much for reading – if I can provide extra detail please let me know.
For example you could do it this way:
Sub Tester()
Dim arr, i As Long, c As Range, v, col, price
For Each c In Range("G2:G4").Cells
v = Replace(Replace(c.Value, "{", ""), "}", "") 'remove braces
If Len(c.Value) > 0 Then 'anything to process?
arr = Split(v, ";") 'split on ;
For i = 0 To UBound(arr) - 1 Step 2 'loop 2 at a time
col = CLng(Trim(arr(i))) 'column number
price = Trim(arr(i + 1)) 'price
c.Offset(0, col).Value = col & ";" & price
Next i
End If
Next c
End Sub