I have a CSV file below from one of the system.
""demo " ","fg"
" " demo" "
"value1","" frg" ","vaue5"
"val3",""tttyy " ",""hjhj","ghuy"
Objective is get all the 2 pair double quotes removed and only one set of double quote is allowed like below. The spaces between the sets of double quote is not a fixed value. This has to be handled in a Java program using replaceAll
function in Java
I tired this on regex101 with "[ ]*"
and it works for PHP>=7.3 version but not in Java.
Also tried [\"][\"]|[^\"]\s+[\"]
but still not getting desired output. Any suggestion please for the regular expression which can be used in Java program?
Based on shown sample data, you can use:
String repl = str.replaceAll("(?:\\h*\"){2}\\h*", "\"");
RegEx Details:
: Match a pair of double quotes that have 0 or more whitespaces between them\h*
: Match 0 or more whitespace"