I am not able to create a sitemap for my Gatsy site.
The default setting of the plugin creates only one page even there is several pages:
If I try to override the default setting with:
query: `{
site {
siteMetadata {
allSitePage {
nodes {
serialize: ({ site, allSitePage }) =>
.filter(node => {
const path = node.path
console.log({ path })
// Filter out 404 pages
if (path.includes("404")) {
return false
// Filter out base pages that don't have a language directory
return supportedLanguages.includes(path.split("/")[1])
.map(node => {
return {
url: `${site.siteMetadata.siteUrl}${node.path}`,
changefreq: `weekly`,
priority: 0.7,
I get TypeError: Cannot read property 'nodes' of undefined
Problem is that with gatsby develop I can query the nodes like this and get the paths even it says undefined here.
I have Gatsby v3 and the only plugin I can think might affect could be "gatsby-plugin-intl": "^0.3.3",
resolve: `gatsby-plugin-intl`,
options: {
// language JSON resource path
path: `${__dirname}/src/intl`,
// supported language
languages: [`nl`, `en`],
language: `nl`,
// language file path
defaultLanguage: `nl`,
// option to redirect to `/nl` when connecting `/`
redirect: false,
Any ideas?
Got it to build via custom options with gatsby build && gatsby serve
after @FerranBuireu suggestion to change the query and now it looks like this but sitemap is still empty:
const siteUrl = process.env.URL || `https://www.thesite.nl`
resolve: "gatsby-plugin-sitemap",
options: {
query: `
allSitePage {
nodes {
resolveSiteUrl: () => siteUrl,
resolvePages: ({ allSitePage: { nodes: allPages } }) => {
return allPages.map(page => {
return { ...page }
serialize: ({ path }) => {
return {
url: path,
I think your issue comes because you are not setting the resolveSiteUrl
and, in this scenario, the siteUrl
needs to be present. According to the docs:
siteMetadata: { // If you didn't use the resolveSiteUrl option this needs to be set siteUrl: `https://www.example.com`, },
An ideal full configuration should be:
const siteUrl = process.env.URL || `https://fallback.net`
// In your gatsby-config.js
module.exports = {
plugins: [
resolve: "gatsby-plugin-sitemap",
options: {
query: `
allSitePage {
nodes {
allWpContentNode(filter: {nodeType: {in: ["Post", "Page"]}}) {
nodes {
... on WpPost {
... on WpPage {
resolveSiteUrl: () => siteUrl,
resolvePages: ({
allSitePage: { nodes: allPages },
allWpContentNode: { nodes: allWpNodes },
}) => {
const wpNodeMap = allWpNodes.reduce((acc, node) => {
const { uri } = node
acc[uri] = node
return acc
}, {})
return allPages.map(page => {
return { ...page, ...wpNodeMap[page.path] }
serialize: ({ path, modifiedGmt }) => {
return {
url: path,
lastmod: modifiedGmt,
Tweak it and adapt it to fit your query.
I would do something like:
resolveSiteUrl: () => siteUrl,
resolvePages: ({
allSitePage: { nodes: allPages },
}) => {
const sitePageNodeMap = allSitePage.reduce((acc, node) => {
const { uri } = node
acc[uri] = node
return acc
}, {})
return allPages.map(page => {
return { ...page, ...sitePageNodeMap[page.path] }
serialize: ({ path, modifiedGmt }) => {
return {
url: path,
lastmod: modifiedGmt,