I am using spring-data-elasticsearch
and I have a class as follows,
@Document(indexName = "sample")
class Sample {
private String id;
private String name;
private Status status;
class Status {
private String id;
Above is persisted to elasticsearch
. And I have the following method to find data in it.
List<Sample> getAll(String statusId, String text, Pageable pageable);
So here is the current code I am using to get the data,
NativeSearchQueryBuilder nativeSearchQueryBuilder = new NativeSearchQueryBuilder()
NativeSearchQuery nativeSearchQuery = nativeSearchQueryBuilder.build();
What I need is I need to find results by statusId
and then search for the texts containing in name
I tried the following way also but didn't work. I tried the criteria-api
also but it is working for only words without space. If there is words with space it is throwing Cannot constructQuery '*\"text\"*'. Use expression or multiple clauses instead
.withFilter(QueryBuilders.termQuery("status.id", statusId))
So how can I build the query for the above scenario?
New query build after suggestions by P.J. Meisch
QueryBuilder query1 = QueryBuilders.matchQuery("status.id", statusId).operator(Operator.AND);
QueryBuilder query2 = QueryBuilders.multiMatchQuery(text).field("name").type(MultiMatchQueryBuilder.Type.PHRASE_PREFIX);
new NativeSearchQueryBuilder().withQuery(QueryBuilders.boolQuery().must(query1).must(query2));
Your top level query should be a bool query with two entries as must:
that would be the one you already have.