I'm trying to pass cache.delete
native function as an argument in order to make my code more easily testable.
But when I do this:
const cacheDeleteFunction = cache.delete;
await cacheDeleteFunction(request);
it fails with Failed to execute 'delete' on 'Cache': Illegal invocation
Same code, but with a direct call to await cache.delete(request)
Also, if I do this:
const cacheDeleteFunction = (x) => cache.delete(x);
await cacheDeleteFunction(request);
then it also works!
I've tried playing with .apply()
and .call()
but they didn't make any difference.
(async () => {
const cache = await caches.open('1');
try {
await cache.add(new Request('?apple'));
await cache.add(new Request('?google'));
} catch (e) {}
const keys = await cache.keys();
for (const request of keys) {
if (request.url.includes('apple')) {
// Failed to execute 'delete' on 'Cache': Illegal invocation
// const cacheDeleteFunction = cache.delete;
// await cacheDeleteFunction(request);
// Works
await cache.delete(request);
// Also works
// const cacheDeleteFunction = (x) => cache.delete(x);
// await cacheDeleteFunction(request);
What am I missing? Why const cacheDeleteFunction = cache.delete;
doesn't work?
Related issue: https://github.com/noahjohn9259/react-clear-cache/pull/36/files
The issue is probably because the delete function references the "this". So when you get a reference to it without using bind the this would be undefined. so what you need to do is doing:
const deleteFunction = cache.delete.bind(cache);