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How do you close an alert dialog with jQuery?

To me it seems like this would be easy to Google for, but I'm not finding anything. I've searched:

  • jquery click alert
  • jquery submit alert
  • jquery click popup
  • jquery submit popup
  • jQuery click modal dialog
  • jQuery submit modal dialog
  • jQuery click confirmation
  • jQuery submit confirmation

And so on. I fully expect for this to be closed as a duplicate, but I'm listing my searches out so that it can help the next person: maybe it will lead to the answer I couldn't find on my own and save them some time.

That aside, here is the context. I am writing a greasemonkey/tapermonkey userscript that clicks on a button and that button has an event on it that brings up a confirm(). How do I click on the "OK" or "Cancel" button of that confirm popup?


  • If the site uses window.confirm (regardless of whether it also uses jQuery or not), you can overwrite it and implement your own functionality. For example:

    // userscript code
    window.confirm = () => true;
    // site code
    button.addEventListener('click', () => {
      const result = confirm('did you really mean to click the button?');
    <button id="button">click</button>

    You cannot use a userscript to interact with any of the window.alert, window.confirm, or window.prompt modals, but

    • such modals are very bad practice, so hopefully you won't see them often anyway
    • all of these methods can be tweaked with a userscript by overwriting them, like in the above snippet, so that the browser modal doesn't come up at all.