I'm not exactly sure what the correct terminology is for this question, so I will do my best to explain.
Lots of things in JavaScript are objects, like arrays, and class instantiations.
typeof {"a": 3} // "object"
typeof (new foo()) // "object"
tyepof [1, 2, 3] // "object"
If you have a function that accepts an object, how do you check if the object is a "plain" object like the top one, e.g. not an instantiation of a class, an error, etc, but just a normal object?
I've tried checking the prototype, but I haven't been able to determine consistently whether an object is an instantiation of something or an array or something like that vs. just a normal object.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I don't know if this is a comprehensive solution, but you could check against the constructor
function foo() {}
class Bar {}
{}.constructor === Object, // this is the "plain" object
[].constructor === Object,
''.constructor === Object,
(new foo()).constructor === Object,
(new Bar()).constructor === Object,
(new Map()).constructor === Object,
(new Set()).constructor === Object,
(new WeakMap()).constructor === Object,
(new WeakSet()).constructor === Object,
(new Error()).constructor === Object,
(Edit: I cannot think of any other kinds of objects)