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Raku array will not sort

I'm trying to sort a list/array of strings:

> my @e = Q (list_regex_files json_file_to_ref write_2d_array_to_tex_tabular dir get_sample_ID density_scatterplot violin_plot multiline_plot ref_to_json_file execute venn barplot scatterplot_2d_color worksheet_to_hash group_bar workbook_to_hash read_table)

using and I try

> say @e.sort
(list_regex_files json_file_to_ref write_2d_array_to_tex_tabular dir get_sample_ID density_scatterplot violin_plot multiline_plot ref_to_json_file execute venn barplot scatterplot_2d_color worksheet_to_hash group_bar workbook_to_hash read_table)


say <list_regex_files json_file_to_ref write_2d_array_to_tex_tabular dir get_sample_ID density_scatterplot violin_plot multiline_plot ref_to_json_file execute venn barplot scatterplot_2d_color worksheet_to_hash group_bar workbook_to_hash read_table>.sort

does work. However, how can I save the data to an array and then sort it? like say @e.sort?


  • to echo @Elizabeth s comment, dd is your friend ...

    > my @a1 = Q (a b c); dd @a1;   #Array @a1 = ["a b c"]
    > my @a2 = <a b c>;   dd @a2;   #Array @a2 = ["a", "b", "c"]

    here are the docs for any passing readers