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TFS2010 Automatic folder structure

I want to use TFS like a project repository; I have had a very good experience with SVN, CVS alike. But I am not sure how to achieve this with TFS2010.

I have following collections

  • CUSTOMERS (Contains customers and their products)
  • PRODUCTS (Contains baselines)

Note that:

  • I have multiple customers.
  • Multiple customers can have several multiple solutions (.SLN),
  • Each solution can have multiple .PRJ files.

QUESTION 1: I want to have following project folder structure generated automatically. How to? Is there any script/addon/functionality/even a possibility to achieve this in TFS?

Every time a new customer comes in for a product; I want:

  • Following folder structure to be created automatically (I've been doing this with CVS and SVN)
  • Checkout a product from the PRODUCTS, and Checkin the solution files in CUSTOMERS collection.


CUSTOMER 1                          
--------PRODUCT 1                       
----------------Management artifacts    (.docx, xlsx, .vsd, .mpp files)
----------------Design  (.vsd files mostly)
----------------References  (Any help files provided by the customer)
----------------Requirements artifacts  (.docx, xlsx)
------------------------Solution Files (.SLN)   
--------------------------------PRJ 1   
--------------------------------PRJ 2 (Referenced in 1) 
--------------------------------PRJ 3 (Referenced in 1)     
--------------------------------PRJ n (Not referenced, standalone tool) 
----------------Testing and QA artifacts    
----------------User guide artifacts                    
----------------Deployment artifacts    

--------PRODUCT 2
--------PRODUCT n



QUESTION 2: Is this folder structure in even realistic, from TFS perspective (since TFS primarily focuses on solutions and VS IDE)?

Note that we are small shop 20+ devs; Thanks very much in advance!


  • To store your office documents you can use Windows SharePoint Services (WSS), it is possible to customize the structure :

    At first you need to download a process template. Lunch VS.NET, click onto menu Team / Team Project Collections Settings / Process Template Download Manager… There is a Windows SharePoint Services folder containing a file WssTasks.xml, you will find same sample on to add folders in it like this :

          <documentLibrary name="Shared Documents" description="Shared Documents"/>
         <folder documentLibrary="My Custom Folder" name="My Custom Folder"/>

    The key benefit of this approach is to allow everyone to get access to documents, not only the owners.