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No test found. Make sure that installed test discoverers & executors, platform & framework version settings are appropriate and try again

I am in the process of upgrading our existing solution to .Net 4.6.1 and have been unable to get our unit tests to run during a server build. Locally they run as expected and flipping the framework version back to .Net 4.5.1 makes them run again on the server.

I am getting the following error:

No test found. Make sure that installed test discoverers & executors, platform & framework version settings are appropriate and try again.

I have reproduced the problem in a simpler setup:

  • Solution with a single C# Unit Test project with two tests (one failing, one passing).
  • XAML build definition using the Default Template (TfvcTemplate.12.xaml)
  • TFS 2015 Update 1 XAML build server with Visual Studio Enterprise 2015 Update 1 installed (have six similar servers and all produce the same result)


  • This is a known issue for .Net 4.6 now.

    Unable to run .Net 4.6.x unit tests as part of a XAML TFS Build with TFS 2015 UPdate1 Source:

    Here is a similar question for you reference: Unable to run .Net 4.6 Unit tests of TFS 2015 XAML build server