I'm creating a maven dependency, which has a MessageHandler
Alongside which there is a MessageHandlerProduceer class:
public class MessageHandlerProducer {
public MessageHandler messageHandler() {
return new MessageHandler();
Having listed the dependency in the core project, and when I'm trying to inject the MessageHandler
bean, I'm getting the following error:
Build step io.quarkus.arc.deployment.ArcProcessor#validate threw an exception: javax.enterprise.inject.spi.DeploymentException: javax.enterprise.inject.UnsatisfiedResolutionException: Unsatisfied dependency for type com.example.MessageHandler and qualifiers [@Default]
In a multi-module setup, we need information of beans provided by sibling modules. The easiest way to generate those information is enabling Jandex support through the jandex-plugin
For Maven, the following snippet should be added to the module providing the producer:
For gradle, the following snippet can be used:
plugins {
id 'org.kordamp.gradle.jandex' version '0.11.0'
Both snippets are taken from the documentation linked above and are only included to make this answer self-contained. Credits for those go to Red Hat, as they are the maintainer of quarkus and provide the snippets in the documentation linked above.