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VSCode is throwing 'identifier "M_PI" is undefined'

I have the following code:

#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>

char r[15];
double radius;

double SphereVolume(double radius){
    double volume;

    volume = (4.0 / 3.0) * (M_PI) * (pow(radius, 3.0)); ///'identifier "M_PI" is undefined' 
    return (volume);

int main()
    /* gets input from the user */
    printf("What is the radius of the Sphere? ");
    fgets(r, sizeof(r), stdin);
    sscanf(r, "%lf", &radius);

    printf("Volume of the sphere is %f", SphereVolume(radius));
    return (0);

I can run it well with gcc by doing:

$> gcc -Wall -Werror -Wextra -o SphereVolume SphereVolume.c -lm

But VS Code isn't letting me even debugging the code. What is happening? do I have messed up settings?


  • I think I found the answer:

    M_PI not available with gcc --std=c11 but with --std=gnu11?

    Apparently M_PI is not defined in standard C