have a question, how to check if react component detached from its parent components?
Let’s say I have a react component, that is subscribed to any async events: WebSocket, timer.
I just want to not waste computer resources on listener to this event, when react component no more in use, and deallocate react component as well.
Any though?
React provides various methods to keep track of a component's lifecycle. And in your case you need to track if a component has unmounted. So, there are 2 approach for this based on the type of component you are using:
Use componentUnmount lifecycle method.
class YourComponent extends Component {
constructor(props) {
componentWillUnmount() {
// this method is invoked immediately before a component
// is unmounted and destroyed. you can perform any necessary
// cleanup in this method, such as invalidating
// timers, canceling network requests,
// or cleaning up subscriptions
render() {
return (
{/* ...contents... */}
Leverage useEffect hook with cleanup.
const YourComponent = () => {
useEffect(() => {
// rest of code
return () => {
// similar to componentWillUnmount() method, this function
// would invoke at the time of component's unmount.
return (
{/* ...contents... */}