I am using Boost Spirit X3 to parse some grammars but I encountered some errors which I can not explain. The code below is the simplified version of what I am trying to do.
#include "boost/spirit/home/x3.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
namespace spirit3 = boost::spirit::x3;
// Grammar for the language: a^(2n+1)
// S -> aPa
// P -> aPa | a
struct P_id;
constexpr auto P = spirit3::rule<P_id, spirit3::unused_type>{};
constexpr auto P_def = ('a' >> P >> 'a') | 'a';
constexpr auto S = 'a' >> P_def >> 'a';
int n_chars_list[] = {5, 7, 9};
for (auto n_chars : n_chars_list)
std::string content;
for (int i = 0; i < n_chars; ++i)
content += 'a';
auto iter = content.begin();
bool is_matched = spirit3::parse(iter, content.end(), S);
bool is_exhausted = (iter == content.end());
std::cout << "n_chars: " << n_chars << '\t';
std::cout << std::boolalpha << "is_matched: " << is_matched << '\t';
std::cout << std::boolalpha << "is_exhausted: " << is_exhausted << '\n';
// Output:
// n_chars: 5 is_matched: true is_exhausted: false
// n_chars: 7 is_matched: true is_exhausted: true
// n_chars: 9 is_matched: true is_exhausted: false
Can anyone explain why the parser failed to recognize the whole string in case n_chars is 5 or 9 but success in case of 7? Thank you.
It's the grammar. To help you diagnose the issue I'd suggest debugging it:
Live On Coliru
#include <boost/spirit/home/x3.hpp>
namespace x3 = boost::spirit::x3;
// Grammar for the language: a^(2n+1)
// S -> aPa
// P -> aPa | a
constexpr auto P = x3::rule<struct P_id>{"P"};
constexpr auto P_def = ('a' >> P >> 'a') | 'a';
constexpr auto S = x3::rule<struct S_id>{"S"}
= 'a' >> P >> 'a';
int main() {
for (int n_chars : {5, 7, 9}) {
std::string const content(n_chars, 'a');
bool matched = x3::parse(content.begin(), content.end(), S >> x3::eoi);
std::cout << "n_chars: " << n_chars << '\t';
std::cout << std::boolalpha << "matched: " << matched << "\n";
Standard Output:
n_chars: 5 matched: false
n_chars: 7 matched: true
n_chars: 9 matched: false
Standard error debug info:
n_chars: 5 matched: false
n_chars: 7 matched: true
n_chars: 9 matched: false
Sidenotes, I simplified some code (unnecessary loops) and also the separate "exhausted" test, instead asserting x3::eoi
at the end of the parser expression.