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How to provide login_hint to microsoft-identity-web

I'm using microsoft-identity-web ( in combination with IdentityServer4 to enable signing into my app through identity server4 with an AAD account. Everything is just working fine.

I would like to know if it is possible to provide a login_hint to microsoft-identity-web such that the name field of the sign-in form at Microsoft can be pre-populated.


  • It turns out that you can pass a user name to the external authentication flow by providing a login hint to the authentication properties, as displayed below:

    // start challenge and roundtrip the return URL and scheme 
    var props = new AuthenticationProperties
       RedirectUri = redirectUrl,
       Items = {{"provider", provider.AuthenticationScheme}},
       Parameters = {{ "login_hint", <user name to display in login screen>}}
    return Challenge(props, provider.AuthenticationScheme);

    See e.g. for information about how signing using external identity providers such as Microsoft.