I have an ASP.NET Core API which uses JWT Authentication. Simple setup:
string authority = $"https://{configuration["Auth:Authority"]}";
string audience = configuration["Auth:Audience"];
return builder.AddJwtBearer(options =>
options.Authority = authority;
options.Audience = audience;
options.TokenValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters
// NameClaimType = "http://schemas.org/email"
// NameClaimType = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/email"
// NameClaimType = "sub"
(as you can see commented code, I have been trying several settings)
When I decode JWT (using jwt.io) I see there is claim "sub" in JWT and has string value (internal ID of user in dbo)
"nbf": 1592585433,
"exp": 1592585763,
"iss": "https://*************",
"aud": "api_10",
"sub": "142",
"scope": [
The problem is that dotnet switch sub to name claim. This returns no (0) results:
principal.Claims.Where(w => w.Type == "sub")
This returns userId I need "142":
principal.Claims.Where(w => w.Type == ClaimTypes.Name || ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier)
What is going on?! Where is my sub claim gone?
Just add either JwtSecurityTokenHandler.DefaultInboundClaimTypeMap.Clear();
(if you're on .NET 7 or earlier) or JsonWebTokenHandler.DefaultInboundClaimTypeMap.Clear();
(for .NET 8 or later) on the API's ConfigureServices
method. Its suggested on the other comment as well. I verified it on my sample repo.
This issue is because OIDC StandardClaims are renamed on JWT token handler. By adding JwtSecurityTokenHandler.DefaultInboundClaimTypeMap.Clear();
you will clear the inbound claim type map on the JWT token handler.
Read more here