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OR-Tools / SCIP - How to use Indicator Constraints for MIP problems?

The MiniZinc site ( states that the MIP SCIP solver supports indicator constraints.

I have found the MPIndicatorConstraint documentation at, but with no examples associated with it.

The C++ documentation also informs of a MPSolverInterface which has an AddIndicatorConstraint method, for which I have found no parallel in the Java documentation (

Some examples for CP models are available at but I could not find any analogous application associated with MIP.

Have any examples been documented? If not, would it be possible to share one on this thread?


  • As per this test case it should be possible to use indicator constraints by building the model with the proto interface. Is there a roadmap to port it to MPSolver?

        public void shouldSolveLPWithIndicatorConstraint() {
            final MPModelProto.Builder mpModelProto = this.getLinearObjective();
            final MPVariableProto k = this.getIntVar("k").setUpperBound(1.0d).build();
                    .addVariable(2, k)
            // x + 7y <= 17.5
            final MPConstraintProto c0_0 = this.getFirstConstraint(17.5d);
            // x + 7y <= 24.5
            final MPConstraintProto c0_1 = this.getFirstConstraint(24.5d);
            final MPIndicatorConstraint ic0 = MPIndicatorConstraint.newBuilder()
            final MPIndicatorConstraint ic1 = MPIndicatorConstraint.newBuilder()
            final MPSolutionResponse mpSolutionResponse = this.solve(mpModelProto);
            assertEquals(MPSOLVER_OPTIMAL, mpSolutionResponse.getStatus());
            assertEquals(33.0d, mpSolutionResponse.getObjectiveValue());
            assertEquals(3.0d, mpSolutionResponse.getVariableValue(0));
            assertEquals(3.0d, mpSolutionResponse.getVariableValue(1));
            assertEquals(1.0d, mpSolutionResponse.getVariableValue(2));