I am using react-player to play videos the same approach that I used in normal react working fine but if I used typescript it showing an empty blank container.
The below code is of my videoplayer component
import React from 'react'
import Container from '@material-ui/core/Container'
import ReactPlayer from 'react-player/file'
type props = {
const VPlayer = ({p, t} : props) => {
return (
<Container maxWidth="md">
export default VPlayer
The below code is App.tsx where I am using this component.
const vPath = require('../videos/sample.mp4')
const title = 'Big Bunny'
The above lines are to get the video path and the video title and the video directory is in my src folder
<VPlayer p={vPath} t={title}/>
you are importing video using require which returns an object and your passing it as the object.
use vPath.default in your app.tsx
<VPlayer p={vPath.default} t={title}/>