I've the following structure in my firebase DB:
So "roles" is a subcollection, mostly because it has to have different writes rights than the rest of the profile.
In my component, I currently retrieve the profiles:
constructor(private firestore: AngularFirestore) {
this.users$ = this.firestore.collection<User>('profiles').valueChanges();
In my html, I'm using this users$
in a *ngFor
loop to display the profiles in the grid. I need to add one column that will be shown based on the presence/absence of a role with the ID "admin" or "user". This can be modified from other users, so it has to be an observable.
How can I retrieve the "roles" of my profile(at least the IDs of the documents in the subcollection) and still iterate on them nicely?
This can change, so I need this to be an observable. I cannot find a way to "include" a subcollection in my request.
And based on the roles, I need to have
I've done the following in my user component:
this.users$ = this.firestore.collection<User>('profiles').valueChanges({ idField: 'uid' }).pipe(
switchMap((profiles) => {
const res = profiles.map(profile => {
return this.firestore.collection(`profiles/${profile.uid}/roles`).valueChanges({ idField: 'Id' }).pipe(
map(doc => {
return doc.map(d => d.Id)
tap(roles => {
//TODO: consolidate the profile with the roles here
//This will be updated on changes
map(roles => Object.assign(profile, { roles }))
return combineLatest(...res);
Note: it warns me about the deprecation of combineLatest, but not sure how to replace it.