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Grpc Go Generated.pb.go import was not formatted

I imported proto file (validator.proto) from one of my project to another project (test.proto)

go get

protoc  \
-I. \
-I $GOPATH/src/ \
--proto_path=${GOPATH}/pkg/mod/[email protected] \
--proto_path=${GOPATH}/src/ \
--go_out="plugins=grpc:./generated"  \
--validate_out="lang=go:./generated" \
--govalidators_out=. \

The correct import should come as But test.pb.go import was coming as _ "./validator" which shows red line in Goland.

EDIT - All pb.go files are showing errors in them. I suspect it is due to bad import.

I google it but did not found any relevant information. Any suggestion experts ?


  • You can address the proto path in two ways,

    One: if your import proto file is in your local then you should move it to your parent directory then address it from your parent path like this:

    - parentDirectory
    -- directory1
    --- proto1.proto
    -- importDirectory
    --- proto2.proto

    you can build this file(proto1.proto) with this command :

    protoc --proto_path=parentDirectory/directory1 --proto_path=parentDirectory --go-grpc_out=***your output path*** --go_out=***your output path*** parentDirectory/directory1/proto1.proto

    • also if you use Goland you need to add parentDirectory to your setting(File | Settings | Languages & Frameworks | Protocol Buffers) then uncheck Configure automatically and add your parent path.

    Two: If your proto file is in URL: then you can add it to your build command like this:

    protoc --proto_path=src \
      --go_opt=Mprotos/ \
      --go_opt=Mprotos/ \
      protos/buzz.proto protos/bar.proto