I have currently created a nodejs api where a user can send data about their career. They can send text and an uploaded image.
The data is sent as follows and I have been successful with sending via postman
"employee": "user",
"positionHeld": [{
"yearPostitionHeld": "1995 - 2000",
"positionHeldTitle": "Manager"
"yearPostitionHeld": "2000 - Present",
"positionHeldTitle": "Assocaite Manager"
"address": "Company Address",
"responsibilities": ["Responsibility 1", "Responsibility 2", "Responsibility 3"]
I have created a front end page with ReactJS so the user can send the data as above by filling in input fields.
I set the user input via the useState Hook
const [formData, setFormData] = useState({
companyName: "",
year: "",
positionHeld: [
positionHeldYear: "",
positionHeldTitle: "",
address: "",
responsibilities: "",
via an onChange function
const onChange = (e) => {
setFormData({ ...formData, [e.target.name]: e.target.value });
I also hanle the file upload
const [fileData, setFileData] = useState();
const handleFilechange = (e) => {
I first tried to send the data as the formData
but the file/image always appeared in req.body and not req.file and therefore I was unable to obtain the file path.
As a solution to the file issue I then create a new formData const completeFormData = new FormData();
and appending this
const year = formData.positionHeldYear;
const title = formData.positionHeldTitle;
setFormData({...formData, positionHeld: {positionHeldYear: year, positionHeldTitle: title}})
completeFormData.append("companyName", formData.companyName);
completeFormData.append("year", formData.year);
completeFormData.append("positionHeld", formData.positionHeld); // this needs to send the array of objects
completeFormData.append("address", formData.address);
completeFormData.append("responsibilities", formData.responsibilities);
completeFormData.append("image", fileData);
I am unsure if it is possible to send an array of objects as the new FormData such as the
"positionHeld": [{
"yearPostitionHeld": "1995 - 2000",
"positionHeldTitle": "Manager"
"yearPostitionHeld": "2000 - Present",
"positionHeldTitle": "Assocaite Manager"
When creating the new form data as above when the req.body comes to the backend the positionHeld
displays as positionHeld: [object, Object]
when doing a console log
How is it best to manage sending data with nest array of object strings and image uploads?
I might have gone down the wrong route with this, so hoping someone can point me in the right direction to send body and a file to confirm as my object
"employee": "user",
"positionHeld": [{
"yearPostitionHeld": "1995 - 2000",
"positionHeldTitle": "Manager"
"yearPostitionHeld": "2000 - Present",
"positionHeldTitle": "Assocaite Manager"
"address": "Company Address",
"responsibilities": ["Responsibility 1", "Responsibility 2", "Responsibility 3"]
One way of sending an array in FormData is to serialize it:
completeFormData.append("positionHeld", JSON.stringify(formData.positionHeld));
Then, on the backend, you can parse it with JSON.parse()