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Can I switch k8s context during running helm upgrade command?

I have 6 shell aliases for switching context between k8s namespaces different k8s clusters. The contexts are set in kube config file.

An example of alias is like this:

alias kc11='kubectl config use-context cluster1-namespace-1'

If I run helm upgrade command that takes about 30 mins, can I switch k8s context during the upgrade process to don't impact running operation?

How does helm work with k8s context? Does it load into runtime at the beginning or before every simple operation in helm upgrade?

Helm upgrade command looks like this:

helm upgrade my-app . --reuse-values --values values.yaml --timeout 1200s

As you see, I haven't added the -n argument to specify k8s namespace.


  • TL;DR: Yes, you can.

    When you issue helm upgrade command, all relevant manifests are sent to the control plane. This happens almost instantaneously, and after all is sent, all the work on your side is done. You may notice, that even if you interrupt helm while running, eventually all the relevant pods, services etc. will be created.

    You can also freely switch current context, and continue working while the resources are getting installed.

    To prove my point:
    I have two clusters configured:

    $ kubectl config get-contexts 
    *         cluster-1

    Ass an example I'm going to install superset, as I know it will take some time to complete.

    $ helm install superset superset/superset &
    [1] 14291

    & sends it to background, so I can issue more commands while helm does it's thing
    Now, switching to another context

    $ kubectl config use-context istio
    Switched to context "istio".

    helm is still working in the background

    $ jobs
    [1]+  Running                 helm install superset superset/superset &

    After some time, helm finishes it's job, and throws info about sucessfull deployment

    NAME: superset
    LAST DEPLOYED: Thu Aug 26 13:55:03 2021
    NAMESPACE: default
    STATUS: deployed
    TEST SUITE: None
    1. Get the application URL by running these commands:
      echo "Visit to use your application"
      kubectl port-forward service/superset 8088:8088 --namespace default
    [1]+  Done                    helm install superset superset/superset

    Switching back to original context, and checking if all pods were created

    $ kubectl config use-context cluster-1 
    Switched to context "cluster-1".
    $ kubectl get pods
    NAME                               READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
    superset-9cb794755-jwjls           1/1     Running     0          90s
    superset-init-db-ndhlt             0/1     Completed   0          89s
    superset-postgresql-0              1/1     Running     0          89s
    superset-redis-master-0            1/1     Running     0          89s
    superset-worker-66bb97f7ff-4ptq5   1/1     Running     0          90s

    As you can see, all resources were deployed correctly, in the cluster-1context, in default namespace (as I didn't specified differently).