I want to style individual cell in react-table but I am not able to do so.
const MOCK_DATA = [
amount: 1000,
status: `SUCCESS`,
updatedAt: 1629181927,
amount: 2000,
status: `FAILED`,
updatedAt: 1629181927,
export const COLUMNS = [
Header: 'Date',
accessor: 'transactionDate',
Header: 'Amount',
accessor: 'amount',
Header: 'Status',
accessor: 'status',
This is the jsx:
<tbody {...getTableBodyProps()}>
{rows.map(row => {
return (
<tr {...row.getRowProps()}>
{row.cells.map(cell => (
<td {...cell.getCellProps()}>{cell.render('Cell')}</td>
Let suppose I want to change the color of the cell to green or red based on the status of the data how can I achieve that?
You can make use of the custom cell render option in react-table
Header: "Status",
accessor: "status",
Cell: (props) => {
return (
<p style={{ color: props.value === "SUCCESS" ? "green" : "red" }}>
when there are multiple status and needs to show different color for each status we can maintain a map .
const statusColorMap = {
SUCCESS: 'green',
FAILED: 'red',
PENDING: 'yellow'
// etc
Now we can do this
<p style={{ color: statusColorMap[props.value] }}>{props.value}</p>;