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Apollo federation file upload

I have a problem in uploading file in apollo federation subgraph, this is my code in apollo gateway

import {
// RemoteGraphQLDataSource //replace by FileUploadDataSource from @profusion/apollo-federation-upload for file upload
} from '@apollo/gateway'
import FileUploadDataSource from '@profusion/apollo-federation-upload'
const gateway = new ApolloGateway({ //RemoteGraphQLDataSource 
   serviceList, //port:4010
   buildService: ({ url }) => new FileUploadDataSource({ 
   url, useChunkedTransfer: true }),
   useChunkedTransfer: true,

In using RemoteGraphQLDataSource from @apollo/gateway this the result of file upload enter image description here

the error is BadRequestError: Missing multipart field ‘operations’.

but when I am directing the request from the service list, the file is uploaded enter image description here upon searching for it I find this solution then replace RemoteGraphQLDataSource to FileUploadDataSource but the output is the same

can anybody help me about this? thank you


  • I solve it by setting uploads:false since I am using apollo 2 in this set up