here is my code
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int k = 4;
vector<int> QLocation(k,0);
vector<vector<string> > board(k, vector<string>(k, "."));
bool check(int row, int column)
if (row == 0) return true;
for (int m = row - 1, n = 1; m >= 0; m--, n++)
if (board[m][column] == "Q") return false;
if (column + n < n && board[m][column + n] == "Q") return false;
if (column - n >= 0 && board[m][column - n] == "Q") return false;
return true;
void solve(int row, int column)
for (int i = row; i < k;i++)
for (int j = column; j < k; j++)
if (check(i, j))
board[i][j] = "Q";
QLocation[i] = j;
board[i][j] = ".";
if (j == k - 1)
i -= 1;
j = QLocation[i];
int main()
solve(0, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < k; j++)
cout << board[i][j];
cout << endl;
The output is infinite loop
I set breakpoints on lines 11, 15, 16, 17, and 28 to check the value change step by step
When i=2, j=1, enter the check and when m=1, n=1, board[m][column + n] == "Q" but does not return false
====== 2021/08/25 22:00 update ======
when i delete these code and k=4
if (j == k - 1)
i -= 1;
j = QLocation[i];
the output is
when k=8 output is
the third row always fail, but the other rows all correct
Edit: This answer assumes you have corrected the typo in if(column + n < n ...)
to if(column + n < k ...)
The problem is in this part
if(j == k-1){
i -= 1;
j = Qlocation[i];
consider the case of k = 4 and i = 2 in the iteration. The board will be looking like this at that point.
and here check(i, j)
is always false for i = 2, so i
goes back to 1. But you are not changing the value of board[i][Qlocation[i]] back to '.'. This is one mistake(Even if you correct this, it won't work. I am gonna tell you why assuming you corrected that by adding board[i][j] = "." after j = Qlocation[i];). Now the values are i = 1, j = 3(j++ in for-loop). The check returns true, you place a queen there, and i
increases to 2.
The board:
Here, check(i, j) returns true for j = 1. The board:
Now i = 3. check(i, j) fails for all j. i decreases to 2 and j to 2(j = Qlocation(i), j++). check(i, j) fails for (2, 2) and (2, 3), on which point i further decreases to 1, and j to 4 (j = Qlocation(1), j++).
The board:
because of board[i][j] = ".";
Now j = 4 does not satisfy the condition j < k, so the inner for-loop breaks, and the outer for loop iterates to increase i
to 2. check(i, j) return true for j = 1. The board:
Now i = 3, check(i, j) fails for all j, i becomes 2. check(i, j) returns true for j = 3.The board:
Now again i = 3, check(i, j) returns true for j = 1. The final answer:
which is wrong. So, you have to add a check whether the for loop exits without any Q in the row.